Sunday, October 26, 2014

Modern Monroe

I was up last night and my mind wonders in all directions And Andy Warhol wrote this about Art

"You take some chocolate...
 and you take two pieces of bread...and you put the candy 
in the middle and you make a sandwich of it.
 and that would be cake"
                                  Andy Warhol

So I stayed up wondering who is today's Marilyn Monroe,  In my opinion I  came to a conclusion. whats one of the most iconic person in modern day, That has the same characteristics as the great Marlyn Monroe,

 Title: Modern Monroe 
By Vincent "Strive One" Quitugua

 If this is the case, I am not wishing Kanye marriage any bad ill, but hopefully Kim Kardashian wont take the same route with countless marriages. Her image alone is a symbol of American culture. And if art is ten years behind then in ten years from now you will know what I am talking about. 

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